GOT COVID? The Most Common Gynaecological Issues in Women Survivors!

 COVID-19 can cause major gynaecological problems like infertility and irregular menstruation, which have an influence on a person's general health and cause psychological stress related to infertility.

In the past few months, there has been an increase in the number of women experiencing heavy periods, unforeseen bleeding, missed periods, and protracted cycles. While a lot of these symptoms are brought on by the stress of the pandemic, they can also be signs of hormonal imbalance, pregnancy, or other problems like uterine polyps, uterine cancer, or even uterine fibroids in severe situations.

There are two fronts where the pandemic's stress is manifesting itself. A woman's menstrual cycle may be impacted by the disruptions to her lifestyle and routine that have happened as a result of the pandemic, in addition to the fact that stress itself raises cortisol levels, which can alter menstruation.


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